Awesome i love the app. Sorry- im sorry but i hate Justin biever and he is a TERRIBLE role model
Awesome i love the app. Sorry- im sorry but i hate Justin biever and he is a TERRIBLE role model
I play It all the time by myself and with friends.
Great game to play with friends!
I really like this game! Fun to play
Mash is one of the best games Ive gotten so far
MASH is awesome u get to make up fun stories of your future !!!
Its ok but needs more things to do
This game is a lot of fun!!! Really fun to play with freinds!!!!
Its soo munch easier than doing it on pen and paper its my FAVORITE app I have and I have 38!!!!! :)
Ah, the classic game of future telling... MASH... It could be better, but it is a good way to waste ur time...I recommend playing it with a friend so that u can create two good choices and ur friend can create one really bad choice! Also, I recommend its name being MARSH and not MASH. MARSH has the"r" that stands for ranch! I recommend the lite version of it.
This game my friend Brooke told me about this game but I want the full version but my brother Jacob wont let me have it
This game is worth downloading its so much fun!!!
Not the best
I love this game! Reminds me of back in the day.
I love mash! You can do a funny story or a serious one! Ive done both with my friends and its so fun! I think mash is one of the funnest games ever!!! Ps: I LOVE ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mash is a great game, I love it! I get on it when I am bored, and it is lots of fun!!!! I am planning on getting the full version because I love this so much! GET THIS APP!!!
Its good but it needs more
I love writing funny stories then telling them to my friends! Ps I love animals so the pet part is sooooooo awesome
Love it but needs more categories to make the stories even crazier!! Haha
I think it is the best game I haw on my device makes me happy....